LastFM data

Use album covers?

Notice: In case album art is not available, a vinyl record will be shown as default cover.

Text settings
System font Google Fonts

Start typing for autocomplete suggestions - min 3 characters. Click on suggested font to apply font style.
Recommended fonts: Roboto, Ubuntu, Noto Sans, Noto Serif, Ubuntu Mono, Qwigley

Warning: Some fonts don't support whole uniform set of characters and will use system font to display the artist/track name.

Use text shadow
Image size
Image background
Background color Background image Transparent background

URL must end with .jpg, .png. We recommend for image upload.

Image background will be transparent.

Image border
Line between tracks

Have background behind track data?

Advanced settings
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I have a dark fantasy steampunk-inspired webtoon releasing called Scattered Fragments (opens in new tab). It would mean a world to me if you'd check it out and maybe even recommend it to someone.